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Climbing for Wellbeing 


Experience indoor climbing in an all-women supportive, non-judgemental and friendly atmosphere with our highly experienced professional female instructor.


You can discover for yourself the positive impact climbing has on confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing.

Open to women aged 18 and over and welcomes all abilities – you don't have to be sporty or super-fit to take part!


Places are available on the following 11 week courses, which begin on Monday 24 April 2017:


  • 10am - 11.15am

  • 11.15am - 12.30pm


This 11 week course costs £97.50 per person including SNCC membership until 31/12/17.

Adult beginner / refresher courses


Adult courses are open to ages 16 and over and are suitable for absolute beginners and those who have climbed before but would like a refresher in the basics of safe climbing.  


The next four-week course begins on Wednesday 24 May 2017, 8.30pm – 10.00pm and costs £40 per person, including all the required equipment.

"For me personally, the experience of learning to climb has enabled me to challenge my fear of heights, increased my self-confidence, improved my fitness and given me a new circle of fantastic friends."


Casual drop-in sessions


For experienced, independent climbers who prefer a more casual climbing session and can pass a brief competency assessment, we offer weekly drop-in club sessions for members of South Norfolk Climbing Club (SNCC) on Friday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.


"What I love about climbing is the trust you develop in other people, and the sense of community this builds."


Adult courses


South Norfolk Climbing Club offers a variety of opportunities for adults to climb, including Adult Beginner Courses and Improver Sessions, Climbing for Wellbeing groups for women, and our drop-in Club Sessions for independent climbers.  For more information, please contact us.

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